Newsletter Highlights

Sisterhood and Friendship!


Congratulations to our panhellenic sisters on their accomplishments!

Dr. Brittany Profit-Rheinwald, Alpha Gamma Delta, past Rochester Panhellenic President and 2020 scholarship recipient was awarded her PhD from Baylor University.

Saabirah Khan Campo, Sigma Sigma Sigma, received the University of Rochester 2024 Presidential Award for Inclusive Workforce. It acknowledges her work as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer at the Golisano Children’s Hospital for making significant and measurable changes in the inclusivity of its environment and the diversity of its staff. Congrats Saabi!

Julianne Westrich, Delta Gamma, presented in October to a virtual audience to discuss her experience as the 2023 Iditarod Teacher on the Trail. She was selected for this position, an “educational ambassador” of the race, from a nation-wide pool of applicants, through a rigorous process that included in-person interviews, challenges, presentations, and volunteer obligations onsite at the 2022 Iditarod. Congrats Juli!

Congratulations to Marcia Turpyn, Sigma Kappa, who was an Elite Grand Champ for the 3rd year in a row and 9th leading individual fundraiser among all Sigma Kappas nationwide at the Walk to End Alzheimer’s Celebration! The Rochester chapter of Sigma Kappa’s team was the 2nd highest among Rochester community organizations this year.

Gathering Together

Our Panhellenic sisters gathered together the last few months and are sharing with us! If you have a get-together or social event, send pictures and a write up to [email protected] – we’d love to hear from every group!

The Rochester Pi Phi Alumnae Club has met several times and truly represents alumnae sisterhood! They gathered to celebrate Founders’ Day at The Brown Hound as well as for a holiday celebration! Pi Phi was founded in 1867 at Monmouth College (IL) by 12 amazing women.  They typically have 7 different chapters represented and enjoyed good food and wonderful fellowship. Most recently they collected non-perishables that filled an SUV and were given to the food pantry at Nazareth University. One of Pi Phi’s values is Sincere Friendship and that certainly rings true!

Delta Delta Delta celebrated their Founders’ Day at the Country Club of Rochester.  These sisters celebrated three Gold Circle members (50 years since initiation) and one Silver Circle member (25 years).

Sigma Kappa celebrated their Founders Day at Trata in November. This event kicks off their 150th celebration of their founding. Several members of the Buffalo alumnae chapter also joined them!

The Alumnae Panhellenic Connections newsletter is moving to a quarterly cadence. Check out the newsletter to learn what is happening with our alumnae and collegiate groups.

Noteworthy News

We celebrated International Badge Day on March 4th and International Women’s Day on March 8th – days to celebrate being a strong woman. The Rochester Chamber of Commerce has an upcoming empowering women conference on March 14th.

Our own Saabi Campo servces on the Board of Directors for the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence. They’re hosting their annual spring fundraiser on Saturday, April 13th, from 6 to 9:30PM.  Check it out –

Check out these other strong women from University of Rochester with an event at the Memorial Art Gallery!

2024 Sponsorships

This year we are changing venues!

We are excited for the opportunity to move our annual Support our Scholars fundraiser to the ARTISANworks!  

And… we are looking for Sponsors of the event! Consider one of the levels of sponsorship – there is a level for everyone!

Save the Date – Saturday, Nov 2nd!